Back to Beer-Sheba
I wish I had taken pictures of the flowering okra fields or my field of Moringa trees that are growing splendidly after having planted them the last time I was at Beer-Sheba in March. Having concentrated on my weed-picking work, I did not even take one moment to capture the vegetative growth occurring at one of my favorite places on earth. Maybe picking weeds sounds tedious—and it certainly is not the most glorifying work—but it is necessary, and I was certainly happy to have a job assigned to me that would take a lot of physical work and endurance. I spent about 20 hours on my knees this week pulling up blasted grass and vines that have invaded our okra field. My goal is to be a part of whatever the project desires of my hands and skill set. I am blessed to be a part of a group that welcomes any help and has no problem delegating tasks to those who are willing to work. I think back to how I met the team of Beer-Sheba. The Director of Ministry and Service at North Central...