To the marketplace!

I took after them running—literally, I hiked up my tunic and jolted after the animals: the cows were out of the gate and stampeding towards their end, well, towards the marketplace. I never imagined that bringing cows to a village market would be a part of my repertoire of adventures here in Senegal, but I can jot this experience onto the list of sublime, frustrating, fascinating, lovely and extraordinaire elements that I have seen and lived through in the past year. After eating some freshly baked bread—delicious bread— from our earthy outdoor oven, I went to see the herder that we hired and the interns as they attempted to tie and round up seven fattened cattle.


We walked and ran by other herds of emaciated cattle and I thought how different our healthy animals look. It reminded me of the Old Testament story of Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream in the book of Genesis. Pharaoh dreamed of seven fat cows, which were followed by seven scraggy cows that engulfed the muscular cows. This represented seven years of plenty followed by seven years of death-like famine. I think of how proper care and proper provision make all the difference in life and in farming in particular.
There are many things I hope I never forget; running along side these cows in the coolness of a Senegalese overcast morning is one of them.
Tip # 25 for Surviving in Senegal (my final tip!): Avoid rushing cattle because you never know where they might run! I saw these strong bulls trample bushes and small trees as if nothing was in their way. I kept my distance, enjoying a proximity necessary for good photography but prudent for my safety.

Almost arrived at the market

People spend the whole day at the market, waiting for the right price


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